Wednesday, December 2, 2015

So now what

Your out their now and people know who you are. weather your a popular blog or not whoever sees your blog will know that it's not your pen name but you.

So here's some fatherly advice from someone who's been out for a long time
this also applies to journal jams I feel like they shouldn't be as scary as people think they are because literally no one will even remember what you said so you may as just do what ever

-Just say whatever it is you want to say, blog whatever you want, because no one will even remember a week later what was said
-people only remember the feelings they had when you did something
-even if they do remember, it's not the end of the world so what the heck

so here goes.....

one time I made out with a girl named sarah potter I shouldn't of but I did, I was super thirsty. I didn't like her I wasn't attracted to her but I'm just one guy so i DEE KAY. so there you go I said something no one will care or remember, or care to remember


  1. I can't help but read your stuff in your voice

    Snap snap

    Thank you father

  2. Sarah will remember. Jerk.

    But I agree. Let's be less scared and take more risks.

  3. your bakery is super inspiring. keep making the blog world (and the world in general) a better place!

    1. haha, i meant bravery but i bet you're super great at making bread too

  4. I was super thirsty"


  5. Hahahahahahhahahhahah this was great

  6. Your blog though. You're just amazing. So good.
