Monday, November 23, 2015

Lt. Dan

Lt. Dan was going to be my pen name but the whole class saw it on the big screen when I was making my blog. So yah.
This isn't something Big But it's me
If you watch the whole video congrats you're a great person and a real MVB
But if you get bored halfway through and leave I don't care it ight. It's kinda long and boring so yah 

Grant McColm You don't know 
  • I like Chick Flicks 
  • I love to do anything
  • I spend a lot of time working or in my room playing guitar, trying to draw, writing 
  • I actually like my parents their cool and they very lax about homework and grades and don't really yell at me
  • I like to star gaze
  • I like to just look at the moon
  • I like the cold
  • I sleep with a fan on my window open year round 
  • I love people especially crazy people or outsiders their the most interesting like the people who run to class I want to talk to them but I can't because their running
  • like the dude who swings his things around at lunch by the trailers or the dumpster, kinda by the softball field. I mean it's the most ridiculous thing and he's not even embarrassed about it he does it proud, he just puts his headphones on and goes to work. If you don't know who i'm talking about take a trip outside the commons and see him he's pretty kool. 


  1. I could watch this 10 times and not be bored. This is seriously awesome Grant. Makes me unnaturally happy.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Grant! I would have never guessed it was you:)

    And cool video too

  4. you are an idol. seriously though i want to be you

    1. also you're really funny without trying to be. go you.

  5. Grant you are my favorite person on the earth. You're funny without trying to be and I could watch this video over and over and never think it's not funny. To me, your blog became so much better when you didn't need the apporoval of other people and I hope I can learn to write as candid and funny as you! Keep being you and keep writing.

  6. hahaha "& she got paid to do it" you had me laughing so hard

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Holy crap this is hilarious.

    But it isn't just funny. You're saying things, Grant. That's what I like about you. There's funny just for the sake of being funny, but then there's funny and real and in the moment and you're all those things.

    Tell Luke I said hello and when he started cleaning up I lost it.

    This is gold.

  9. This was so funny. I feel like it was too funny to be real and not staged. And that list was perfect.

  10. like the dude who swings his things around at lunch by the trailers or the dumpster, kinda by the softball field. I mean it's the most ridiculous thing and he's not even embarrassed about it he does it proud, he just puts his headphones on and goes to work. If you don't know who i'm talking about take a trip outside the commons and see him he's pretty kool.

    YESSS I know who you're talking about!!!!

  11. YEEESSSSS!!! I love me some grant mccolm

  12. i really really love this. it's real and funny without trying and just gold

    i love the advice you gave too

  13. In the end you gotta click the publish button and its better to be yourself than someone else

    Grant your hilarious, I love how chill and laid back you are about things

  14. This was so good and so real. I love how you didn't edit out the parts where Luke interrupted. And I love how you were never afraid to write what's on your mind even if it didn't make sense such a good blog!

  15. So raw and so cool dude. And you rock at poetry, way to be

  16. You remind me of Nelson. Real, raw, with a little bit of humor thrown in there. Such a great reveal.

    1. I take this as a compliment.

      I thought it was just because he keeps putting his head in his hands. I do that too.

    2. Wait,

      is Grant my son?

    3. Wait,

      So is Luke my son too?


    4. well maybe not proud but still you know

  17. grant i watched this 3 times haha.

    youre hilarious and authentic and the best and i love what you write

  18. I think I saw Luke's undies

    also more people need to be like you

  19. This is amazing.
    You play guitar?? Let's jam.
    Thanks for being you

  20. 30

    Wanted to be the thirtieth commenter

  21. i just came back and watched this again haha it's the best

  22. we'll never stop watching this

  23. Grant I love you so much and I'm still watching this a year later and laughing my head off.
