Lt. Dan was going to be my pen name but the whole class saw it on the big screen when I was making my blog. So yah.
This isn't something Big But it's me
If you watch the whole video congrats you're a great person and a real MVB
But if you get bored halfway through and leave I don't care it ight. It's kinda long and boring so yah
Grant McColm You don't know
- I like Chick Flicks
- I love to do anything
- I spend a lot of time working or in my room playing guitar, trying to draw, writing
- I actually like my parents their cool and they very lax about homework and grades and don't really yell at me
- I like to star gaze
- I like to just look at the moon
- I like the cold
- I sleep with a fan on my window open year round
- I love people especially crazy people or outsiders their the most interesting like the people who run to class I want to talk to them but I can't because their running
- like the dude who swings his things around at lunch by the trailers or the dumpster, kinda by the softball field. I mean it's the most ridiculous thing and he's not even embarrassed about it he does it proud, he just puts his headphones on and goes to work. If you don't know who i'm talking about take a trip outside the commons and see him he's pretty kool.