Sunday, September 27, 2015


"It used to be hard to connect when friends formed clicks, but now it's even more difficult now that clicks form friends."

Nelson showed this great video in class "TouchScreen" I think that most everyone thought that it was a good poem, and might have given it a "Amen" or even a "hell yeah" in class but then returned to that same insta-crap world as before. I bet you don't even remember who said it. 
Technology can make a great servant but a bad master. 
Many lives are mastered by technology. Wasn't the point of the poem to show us how our lives are dominated by technology and how each waking moment is spent on instagram. Our world is dominated by facebook, porn, videogames, and the internet, and showing off what cool thing we're doing, and how many likes we get. I find it weird that T.V. shows these days sell more sex than a frickin Viagra commercial. I went to see Divergent a while back and mostly 14 year old girls were in attendance there, but in the middle of the movie the dude starts un-zipping her clothes and I say out loud so the whole movie theater can hear "Oh No not again" and everyone laughed, but continued to watch it. I've heard many a time "walk out of a movie if it gets bad", but in a theater of all Mormons no one moved an frickin muscle. I myself ashamedly sat there still, to watch the rest of the worst movie ever made, when I could have frickin walked out.  I hate phones with passion and yet I still have one, maybe it's not that phones are the problem but that we are. I deleted the social shit off my phone and guess what I have hours of unused time and doing cool things that don't go on instagram. Put your frickin phones away. people lived without them for 6000 years I bet you could live without it for a day.

"from the Garden of Eden, to the branches of Macintosh picking apples has always come at a great cost."
-Marshall Davis Jones

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

90's & Today + "Be More Like Luke"

What Makes us human. We are all the product of 90's love music. If thats how your parents work. We have all lived 18 years of hard earned true grit life. We've made it this far so lets go farther. We were once the kid jumping off the couch to make a sibling laugh. We were once kids that were in 1st grade. We were once kids learning to swim and ride bikes and catch bees in plastic bags.We were once kids Thinking that childhood is forever, Timeless, priceless and that well be in K through 12 for the rest of our life.  Now we're 18 and no longer kids and the only thing left is a nostalgia about the past.
"Be more Like Luke"
                 -Mr. Nelson
Luke's Creative, he's got a good blog, a great journal and 600 more page views
he gets the ladies and has clocked in at least 20 hours makeout time.
"Be more like Luke?"
               -Mr. Nelson
Thanks but no thanks
So Nelson I'm sorry if my blog sucks and my journal sucks harder but my creativity isn't like that. I can't express emotions on a blog or a 100 sheet*200 page*wide ruled* composition book. I'm different than Luke and thats fine by me.
Luke Doesn't run on the field and take a selfie with some tuba player named Jayden
Luke Doesn't take a chin master portrait with Frank Jackson in the back looking at him like he's high
Luke wouldn't walk around school dressed like Harry Potter all day for no reason
Luke Wouldn't bring a fishing pole to school and cast it at people in the commons
Luke Probably wouldn't even post this.
Luke and I are Quads born 1 out of 4 and yet were as different as it gets
Luke's short, I'm tall, He's blond, I'm Brunette, He's creative, I'm NOT.
Thats what make us Human. Not a F***ing robot

Yours Truly,
        Lt. Dan

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


                    Why is everyone's post so depressing. Everyone talks about how much their life sucks but no one talks about fixing it. To me everyone is fishing. They say that oh my life sucks so people will comment and so "I can relate so much my life sucks". well you want to know what no one gives a fuck if your life sucks. Post something creative and mind expanding something thats going to be fun or interesting to read. It's easy to post something depressing and people think it's good because everyone thinks that their the only ones with problems, well your not. Everyone has a problem but the good ones are people who can make it through their problems and build something creative and inspiring. We're not meant to be here to feel bad for themselves. We're meant to be like what Remy the Rat in class said, humans "They discover, They create." no human got somewhere creating tears for themselves they got somewhere by not giving up and not letting their problems become weaknesses. They took what they had and ran. So the next time you want someone to compliment you don't start by saying "I'm so (fat, or ugly, or akward)" compliment the other person first and they will most likely return the favor. If they don't continue to compliment them as you see them and they will like to be around you and most likely start complimenting you.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Thursday, September 10, 2015

A Quote

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” 
― Dr. Seuss,
“The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.”
― Mark Twain

My question is why do people like words so much. Some people get chills from words spoken or read and i bet if I had put a quote about love or something like "I loved you but i was wrong." or something of that sort girls would think oh my gosh this is so touching because for some reason girls are always writing about love. But why do words have such an impact on humans. We speak english and we read it too but all the letters we write are just symbols that don't have a meaning like the letter T doesn't mean anything except when you see it you make a sound with your voice. you put multiple letters together you get a word like TOY the letters themselves don't mean anything but together mean an object that a kid plays with. If you put a B instead of T it would be Boy, now boy is is a gender and all we did was change one little symbol in the small three letter word. And if  you put those words together BOY TOY  it does not mean a boy object that kids play with. It means a boy who is used by a girl for certain things. All of the symbols make words and words together have a completely different meaning and it's really just amazing that these symbols create ideas in our head that when processed make us feel good inside or dark and creepy. 
When I die, I want to go peacefully like my grandfather did–in his sleep. Not yelling and screaming like the passengers in his car."

That Quote probably made you laugh a little right? all those are just symbols that create a image or idea in your head that when comprehended you thought funny, i just think the Human is amazing and anyone who doubts A Creator needs to just look at everything in the whole frickin world and the species called Human and tell me that this is all a accident that were here by mistake, made by some big bang just here to live and die and nothing more and that's it nothing lives on. Ya Right.

"You only live once, and if you do it right once is enough"

Wednesday, September 9, 2015



"Never invest in any idea you can't illustrate with a crayon."
                        -Peter Lynch 

That is a very poetic quote and sense of mind. It's really cute and fun, BUT , there will always be buts, but is it realistic? simply put no. with that you have to wonder why crayons?? Lets take this way to deep and blow it way out of proportion and make everyone think i'm a person with some problems. Crayons are like people when a baby is born it's perfect no mistakes what soever. Same thing with a new fresh box of crayons there perfect and all pointy and look nice. BUT when a person grows up they have to experience life and with experience comes mistakes. Same with a box of crayons they need to be used in order to appreciate the gift of a crayon, but when you use them they break and become all gross and the paper rips off and the colors of the other crayons start to smudge into the once perfect crayon. Experience is key. Imagine if you knew what a crayon was BUT never used one in your childhood, but everyone else had. And you english teacher Nelson asks you to go back to those beautiful childhood memories of a care free world and write about crayons. You've never used one! you might know what they are but the happiness associated with them doesn't exist. That would be a sad life right? So be mad be sad but also be happy and be un-mad because those are emotions that should be experienced as well as crayons.

"broken Crayons still work to"

Friday, September 4, 2015

Lincoln Logs Got Nothing

"Don't take life to seriously no one gets out alive"

Life is a Game 
and It's all the same
same as the 70's 
same as the 80's 
the only difference is you
you're here now
and not back then
so just imagine if you were your parents best friend
way back when
when all there was, was paper and pens
no smart phones
just home phones
and conversation was face to face
not texting when in the same place
The problem is your parents aren't your peers 
but they still will shed tears
when you make a mistake or maybe just need a break
so just imagine if were your parents best friend 
way back when
and it might be easier to get along with them 

maybe you'll have fun
but today all you are is done
done with the pressure 
done with school
done with your parents
and done with the tool you call a boyfriend 
because he just madeout with your best friend

and life's just throw a deep bomb
because you didn't get asked to the Senior prom 
and everything sucks
and you curse at ducks
because their life's inordinate 
all they do mindlessly fornicate 
with not even a soul mate 
and you can't make a clue
about what to do 
because that's life
and it resembles to much the high dive 
that you can't hack 
but there's no turning back 
so you take that step forward 
and maybe say a cuss word
but in the end you won't die
because it's really not all that high
so you go again and again 
because your the conquerer
not the concrete 
and that's it life's complete
so just keep taking a step forward
and you will go toward
the life that is yours
just open the doors 
and you'll be alright 
so with that goodnight 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Hats for the Homeless


      As the famous warrior poet Ice Cube once said "It is a good day, if it does not require and AK.".

What does that have to do with hats you might say well nothing, but what does hats have to do with creative writing? I am unaware of the answer at this time, but Harold Miner probably knows and that's the joke. I bet there will be someone who takes "hats" to an emotionally high level that some people might say,  "Wait Thats Weird and if I find out who wrote this I'm going to make fun of them", or someone might think to themselves "holy moly my life is changed and i'm going to take a picture of this post and have it as my screen savor so I can remember it forever." when really both persons will forget the post in time. So the point maybe of "hats" is to say to the people in the class that intimidate you because their really cool is to say screw you give them the good old bird and write your guts out. The problem is I feel like everyone deep down wants to have the best blog that everyone is talking about. But the thing is that's only going to be a handful of people and the rest of us will blog on hoping for Harold Miner to click on our blog in class and read a line and then go "mmmm" and snap his fingers. In life not everyone is a winner.  Not all games end in a tie, not everyone should get a blue ribbon or a 1st place. It's okay to lose in life that way when you win you can freaking celebrate run around with your pants down and people will say "well they can do whatever they want because they won." And if your still reading this i'm impressed because i don't think its really making sense.

I can't wait to get old so I can mess with people that I don't really know, tell what's going on with the world or just act clueless. I want to be old and take a motorized wheel chair and roll down the street see some people flip them off, and they'll just say "oh well bless his heart he's old and disabled god love him" most of all I can't wait to hear the words roll off my tongue 
                   "well back in my day, you know we had Iphones and man that was the coolest thing, now kids these days are robots. The world aint what it used to be."

What I am really just trying to say is 